Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fellowettes in Manhattan

The "fellowettes" had a 9-hour layover in Newark, so we caught a shuttle to Manhattan for a few hours of sightseeing. Our visit began with a trip to the New York Public Library, an amazing building and a fully functioning public library, built by the Astor family in the Gilded Age. It has been featured in many films and there is a very positive "learning" energy throughout the building.

We wandered throughout the library, admiring the portait paintings, the sculptures, the murals, and the views looking over the various balconies and staircases.

This entrance into the main reading room is quite inspiring. The quotation by John Milton reads: "A good Booke is the precious lifeblood of a master spirit, imbalm'd and treasur'd up to a purpose of a life beyond life." There is something comforting and nostalgic, infinitely wonderful and stimulating about a library. It certainly has to do with the books and the studious people there, but it is also related to the generations of learning in continuity.

Here, the fellowettes pose with the the lion statue known as "Fortitude". How beautiful the weather was! How grateful we were for this shared experience!
From the steps of the New York Public Library, there is this wonderful view of the bustle of New York, yellow taxis, tourists and natives, Fifth Avenue and the architecture of the city.

Because we were hungry, we wandered to Times Square (photos to be posted later) and then had lunch at the Heartland Brewery on W. 43rd Street. As we left the restaurant and headed back to 5th Avenue, we came across the New York Fire Department - Engine 65. We stopped to thank the firemen for their service and one of them agreed to have his picture with us (the fellowettes crooned). AS we left, we wondered what it must have been like to work there on 9-11 and we were very humbled to have met the firefighters and to have been at their station, however briefly.
As we began to make our way up 5th Avenue, we came across some break dancers --- truly talented and hard-working artists! It was quite an experience:
Then we came to Rockefeller Center where we practiced some people-watching and tried to pretend we were the only people trying to get our picture taken there!
 Then, we decided to stop in at the famous Bouchon Bakery for some treats (even though we would soon be able to get the same thing or even something better in France).
 After our snack, we made out way to St. Patrick's Cathedral (more pictures to follow) where a wedding was being performed.
Finally, we made our way to the amazing Grand Central Station where we gawked, took pictures, and found ou way to the shuttle to take us to the airport on our way to the real adventure: France!

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